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The Department of Theatre & Dance, the Dance Company and the University Theatre are unique resources to the University and touch an enormous and wide range of students, faculty, staff, and friends throughout the year.

In our work to continue to develop and improve our services to, our education of, and opportunities for our students, we strive to stretch the resources allocated to us by the University; as we fulfill our responsibilities to teach and train young artists and provide a cultural and artistic resource for the campus and community we are creative in using every last ounce of our time and budgets.

Your gifts and support of our programs can add to and enhance what we are able to do. With your help we can bring in guest artists and alumni to share their talents, skills and experiences with our students; we can take our students to participate in and gain from conferences and festivals beyond our campus; we can provide for the unique needs for a project or production; we can enhance our students’ preparation for the careers they pursue following graduation.

Please consider designating your gift to one of the funds listed below. No matter the size, the support of our friends and alumni is important to us. Thank you!

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Selecting one of the links below will pre-designate the desired fund on the donation form – you only need to enter your donor information, gift and any matching gift information.

Friends, Sponsors, Patrons Theatre Fund

This is our general Theatre Gift Fund. These funds can be used for a wide range of supplemental needs, academic, or production, or may be transferred to one of the restricted funds below.

The University Dance Fund

This fund supports the University Dance Company which is comprised of students working in a semi-professional manner and produces two dance concerts a year, the Fall Faculty/Guest Artist and the Spring Student Choreography Concert.

James Dodding Theatre Scholarship

If you ever encountered Professor James Dodding, you never forgot him. Connected by our shared experiences, memories and affection for Mr. Dodding, each of us had the transformative experience of working and learning alongside his inimitable leadership and spirit in so many productions across the 80s, 90s and early 2000s. The support of nearly a hundred Theatre alumni made it possible to fully fund and create the James Dodding Scholarship for Theatre. We are so grateful for your partnership in this effort that honors the memory and work of our dear friend and mentor.

Tedford Theatre Travel Fund

The purpose of the Fund is to provide financial assistance for the general travel needs of students who have declared and are pursuing a major in Theatre. The award may be applied to the cost of department-sponsored trips or may be given in cash.

Babcock Theatre Fund

This fund was established through the generosity of Charles H. Babcock Jr. to bring to the campus guest lecturers, directors, designers, and playwrights, or other theatre professionals whose work at the University would enrich the experience of students and audiences.

The S. Nicole McNamara Theatre Fund

This is a cash fund established by S. Nicole McNamara in 2004 to provide support for productions initiated by students involved with the University Theatre.

Dyann & Henry Jordan Scholarship Fund

The Jordan Scholarship is open to junior or senior theatre majors on the basis of academic ability, talent and service to the Theatre. Applicants are asked to provide a letter explaining how they intend to use the scholarship in furthering their goals in theatre.

Caroline Fullerton Theatre Awards Fund

Established by emeritus speech teacher Caroline Sandlin Fullerton, the fund provides recognition for students involved in University Theatre productions. Students receive books, cash awards, subscription/memberships, etc. for their work as performers or designers and for their service to the program.