Plan a Visit

An Invitation from Theatre & Dance @ Wake Forest
Please be our guest…come for a visit and let us show you around, get to know you, answer your questions and introduce you to our faculty, staff, and students.
A typical visit might include:
- An information session and campus tour with Admissions.
- An admissions interview if you have completed your junior year and visit between June 1st and January 10th.
- A chance to visit a theatre or dance class
- An opportunity to sit in on a rehearsal
- Join us at our weekly all-theatre meeting Mondays at 4pm in the Ring Theatre
- A tour of our theatres, studios, dedicated design lab and shops
- Admission for you and your family to a production
- A chance to spend time with a theatre or dance student and get answers to your questions about Wake Forest
- A chance to talk one on one with faculty about your specific interests.
How to plan a visit
- If possible, plan to visit when you can see a performance, or target a specific scheduled class you wish to observe.
- Contact Admissions to reserve a space in an admissions information session and campus tour
- Schedule an admissions interview
- Contact the department admin to discuss specific details about your visit
Performance Classes: Acting I & II Acting For the Camera Studio Production Voice & Movement Choreography | Design/Production Classes: Design & Production for Dance Intro to Design & Production Theatrical Scene Design Theatre Management Stage Makeup | Technique Classes: African Dance Ballet Jazz Modern Social Dance | Other Classes: History of Western Theatre History of Ballet & Modern Dance Theatre in Education Contemporary Drama Movement and the Molecular |
Schedule an info session or campus tour:
Seniors who have applied for the Fall 2023 semester are eligible for a virtual interview or video submission
Appointments are limited and must be scheduled in advance .
Office of Undergraduate Admissions
Phone: 336-758-5201
Schedule a Theatre & Dance department visit
Please send an e-mail request to Lara Ianni at with a brief introduction.
Include details such as the date of your planned visit, expected arrival & departure times on campus, your availability to meet during the day, along with any other appointments you may already have, (such as the time of your interview, campus tour, etc.)
Department of Theatre & Dance
Lara Ianni, Academic Coordinator
Phone: 336-758-5294 or 336-758-4108